To visit our district Nurse page for forms and more health information, please click HERE.
Clinic Newsletter
Hello Montvale Families,
My name is Hannah and I am your child’s school nurse. I have been at Montvale Elementary since January of 2022. I am in the clinic from 7:30am to 3pm Monday thru Friday, and you can reach me by phone at 540-947-2241 option 2. I look forward to a wonderful year getting to know you and your children. Below, you will find important beginning-of-the-year information.
Sick Children: Please keep your child home from school if he/she has a fever (100.0 and above), vomiting, repeated episodes of diarrhea, persistent cough, or unidentified rash. Children must be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours before returning to school. Therefore, if your child is sent home with a fever he/she will not be able to attend the next day. Anyone picking up your child should have a valid ID to complete the sign out process. Children should be free from vomiting, diarrhea, and severe stomach cramping for 24 hours prior to returning to school. If your child has strep throat or another bacterial infection, he/she should be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning.
Health Concerns: If your child has a chronic health condition that requires medication or other treatment at school, please be sure that the I have an action plan/doctor’s order and all appropriate documentation on file, as well as any medications ordered. Documentation is required for us to be able to serve and care for your child in accordance with his/her doctor’s orders. If you have any questions or need additional copies of forms please contact me. Lack of an appropriate action plan may result in a 911 call if your child begins to have complications with his/her medical condition while at school.
Medications: If your child needs to take medicine at school, the “Authorization for Medication Administration Form” must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian. Prescription medications must have a signature from a physician. All medication (over the counter or prescription) must be transported to school by a parent or guardian in the original container. If it is a prescription medication, it must have the prescription label from the pharmacy with it. All over the counter medications must be in the original, unopened container.
Vision, Hearing and Speech Screenings: Per the state requirement, all students in kindergarten and 3rd grade will have a vision and hearing screening performed. Students new to BCPS will also be screened. Screenings will take place by Winter Break and you will receive a letter if your student fails the screening and needs further assessment by a healthcare provider.
The Speech-Language Pathologist will conduct speech-language screenings for all Pre-K, kindergarten, and new transfer students.
Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy & Ready to Learn
● Keep them up-to-date with vaccines ● Review proper hand washing and how to cough/sneeze into their elbow ● Make sure they get a good night's sleep ● Give them a healthy breakfast at home or at school ● Send them to school with a water bottle daily & encourage them to drink it ● Send a change of clothes, even for older children- spills, falls in mud, wet slides, and accidents all happen ● Send tennis shoes/sneakers for PE
Thank you,
Nurse Hannah