Suggested pages to complete in math textbook

Student Name:_____________________________

3rd grade suggested activities for reading math

HI Friends! We miss you! In this packet you will find review activities for math and reading. For reading, complete the attached passages and activities. For math, you will be using your textbook. Please let us know if you have not received your textbook and we will be glad to try to get it to you! Please practice your multiplication facts for 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10 daily. You should have these facts memorized by the end of 3rd grade. You can make your own flashcards to help practice these. 

You may use this as a guide of pages to complete in the math textbooks. If we have already completed some of these pages, just go on to the next thing. Thanks! Love, Mrs. O & Mrs. Thiel



Math book pages

April 20-24



Reading a thermometer

p. VA47-VA50

April 27-May 1


P.51, 99, 100

Game: p.285, p.389, p.597


P.52, 225-228 (Set A, B, C, D, F, G, H)

Game: p.343, p.459

Balance Equations

See attached worksheet

Game: p.49, p.223, p.721

May 4-8


VA37-VA38, p.741, 743, 747,749



May 11-15


VA34-35, p.723 (set A), p. 724 (set C),  


p.806, 837,838

May 18-22


(Area) p.315,321,333, 335, 346 (set C & D), pg. 348 (set F)

(Perimeter) p.867, 869, 873, 875, 885 (set A), 886 (set C)

Congruent/Non-congruent Figures

See attached worksheet 

May 26-29


p. 759, 761, see attached worksheets

Extra fluency games

p. 97, P.157, P.523, P.563, P.657, P.793, P.835, p.883

Balancing Equations

Directions: Find the number that belongs in the blank to make the equation balanced.

1. 7+ 6= 10 + _____ 2. 7+3=____ + 8

3. ___ + 5 = 4 + 11 4. 12-5= 3+ ____

5. 2 + ___= 15- _____ 6. 2 +1= 9- _____

7. 8 x  1= __ x 2 8. 10 /5 = 18/___  (divide)


9. 40/5= 4 x ___ 10. 5 x 4 = 2 x ____

Directions: Circle the equations that are balanced.

24-3= 7x 5

8x 4= 40-9

6x6= 30+6

8+8= 4x4

100-80= 5x 4

24+6= 3+1

55-8= 10x 0